My Book

How To Get The Job You Want & Then Keep It!


The Intent of This Book 

The main purpose of this book is to assist first time job hunters (college students) in properly preparing themselves for the workforce.   However, it is also designed for those who are looking to break into a new career field or essentially, any job seeker looking to find a new career path.  Regardless of where you are at in the workforce, things have changed on how recruiters look to bring new workers aboard and being aware of those new practices will help you obtain that position.  Having had years of experience in interviewing other candidates, it is my intent to prepare you for success in the interview process.  The more you know, the better your chances of obtaining the position. My book helps college graduates properly prepare to market themselves in today’s extremely competitive job market.  It is also a valuable tool for anyone looking to change careers or gain entrance to their dream career field.   My book tells you how to prepare for the interview, complete with all of the typical questions being asked and how to answer them in the interview setting.  What my book offers that others do not is tips on how to advance within your job and how to work cooperatively with not only your boss, but co-workers to promote your image. 

Content of this Book

The book begins with the initial steps of preparing your own personal portfolio and pointers on improving and building your self image to be a more marketable product to employers.  The importance of this self-improvement section leads into the next chapter about corporate cultures and what recruiters/employers are looking for in a potential candidate.  The way businesses today recruit employees has changed, so the next chapter discusses the importance of networking and how to begin and maintain your own personal network. Next, we take a look at preparing a PROPER RESUME and COVER LETTER to include common mistakes made on resumes and what the employer is really looking for when reviewing resumes.   We then begin getting you ready for the interview process by first developing your introductory Self-Sell speech, followed by everything you need to get ready for the interview once the call comes.  This includes what to wear, how to look, proper hand-shaking techniques, and why establishing the proper Social media ahead of time is important. The next section is the really important section of the INTERVIEW PROCESS.  Here we take a look at the typical questions being asked in an interview and some of the newer techniques being used in today’s interviews.  We look at how to prepare your answers ahead of time and what you should say and not say during an interview.  Equally important is the follow-up process after the interview, we tell you the proper techniques and what to expect.  The next chapters are equally important, and most books like this fail to cover this section.  Once you obtain the position, it’s important that you do well so that you not only impress your supervisor and keep the job, but also what to do to excel for advancement.  We cover the attitude and things you need to do to keep a continuous upward movement and gain the promotion you are seeking.  The next chapter is a real bonus, it’s understanding the basic personalities of your co-workers and your supervisor.  The better you understand the basic personality profiles, the more apt you are to please your boss, get along well with co-workers and understand how to get the things you want and need on the job. The final chapter of this book is the “how to” section of the book.  Here we tell you how to prepare your portfolio, your resume, and give you charts to help organize your thoughts and prepare for all the documents you need to have in your career pursuit. 

How to Purchase This Book

There are several ways you can get a copy of this book.  First of all, a printed version and an electronic version is available at  Electronic versions are also available at and several online electronic bookstores.  However, since there are charts in chapter 10 that will help you organize and develop your resume and portfolio, I recommend the printed version of the book.  Printed version will cost about $30.00 online, and at this time, unsure of what the electronic version will cost. However, you can purchase direct from me for $20.00, plus $4.00 for shipping.  You can purchase by clicking on the “BUY NOW” link below.  I hope you get this valuable career building book for your collection to help you get the job you really want.
How to Get The Job You Want
© Making Sense Chronicles, 2015-2017 Frank E. Armstrong
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My Book

How To Get The Job You Want & Then Keep It!


The Intent of This Book 

The main purpose of this book is to assist first time job hunters (college students) in properly preparing themselves for the workforce.   However, it is also designed for those who are looking to break into a new career field or essentially, any job seeker looking to find a new career path.  Regardless of where you are at in the workforce, things have changed on how recruiters look to bring new workers aboard and being aware of those new practices will help you obtain that position.  Having had years of experience in interviewing other candidates, it is my intent to prepare you for success in the interview process.  The more you know, the better your chances of obtaining the position. My book helps college graduates properly prepare to market themselves in today’s extremely competitive job market.  It is also a valuable tool for anyone looking to change careers or gain entrance to their dream career field.   My book tells you how to prepare for the interview, complete with all of the typical questions being asked and how to answer them in the interview setting.  What my book offers that others do not is tips on how to advance within your job and how to work cooperatively with not only your boss, but co-workers to promote your image. 

Content of this Book

The book begins with the initial steps of preparing your own personal portfolio and pointers on improving and building your self image to be a more marketable product to employers.  The importance of this self-improvement section leads into the next chapter about corporate cultures and what recruiters/employers are looking for in a potential candidate.  The way businesses today recruit employees has changed, so the next chapter discusses the importance of networking and how to begin and maintain your own personal network. Next, we take a look at preparing a PROPER RESUME and COVER LETTER to include common mistakes made on resumes and what the employer is really looking for when reviewing resumes.   We then begin getting you ready for the interview process by first developing your introductory Self-Sell speech, followed by everything you need to get ready for the interview once the call comes.  This includes what to wear, how to look, proper hand-shaking techniques, and why establishing the proper Social media ahead of time is important. The next section is the really important section of the INTERVIEW PROCESS.  Here we take a look at the typical questions being asked in an interview and some of the newer techniques being used in today’s interviews.  We look at how to prepare your answers ahead of time and what you should say and not say during an interview.  Equally important is the follow-up process after the interview, we tell you the proper techniques and what to expect.  The next chapters are equally important, and most books like this fail to cover this section.  Once you obtain the position, it’s important that you do well so that you not only impress your supervisor and keep the job, but also what to do to excel for advancement.  We cover the attitude and things you need to do to keep a continuous upward movement and gain the promotion you are seeking.  The next chapter is a real bonus, it’s understanding the basic personalities of your co-workers and your supervisor.  The better you understand the basic personality profiles, the more apt you are to please your boss, get along well with co-workers and understand how to get the things you want and need on the job. The final chapter of this book is the “how to” section of the book.  Here we tell you how to prepare your portfolio, your resume, and give you charts to help organize your thoughts and prepare for all the documents you need to have in your career pursuit. 

How to Purchase This Book

There are several ways you can get a copy of this book.  First of all, a printed version and an electronic version is available at  Electronic versions are also available at and several online electronic bookstores.  However, since there are charts in chapter 10 that will help you organize and develop your resume and portfolio, I recommend the printed version of the book.  Printed version will cost about $30.00 online, and at this time, unsure of what the electronic version will cost. However, you can purchase direct from me for $20.00, plus $4.00 for shipping.  You can purchase by clicking on the “BUY NOW” link below.  I hope you get this valuable career building book for your collection to help you get the job you really want.
© Making Sense Chronicles, 2015-17 Frank E. Armstrong
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